National Anthem of Ecuador

Ecuador is one of the countries located in North-western South America. It is covered by Peru and Columbia in two directions and by Pacific Ocean in the other two.
The National Anthem of Ecuador, "¡Salve, Oh Patria!" was Juan Leon Mera and was composed by Antonio Neumane. Actually, the lyrics were written by Juan Leon Mera when the Senator of Ecuador requested him to pen the National Anthem of the year 1865. However, "¡Salve, Oh Patria!" was adopted as the National Anthem of Ecuador in the year 1948.
Ecuador became independent on 10th August, 1809. Ecuador was under the rule of Spain, before its independence.
National anthem of Ecuador
National anthem of Ecuador
National Anthem of Ecuador in Spanish:
The following are the lyrics of National Anthem of Ecuador.
¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! ¡Oh Patria,
gloria a ti! ¡Gloria a ti!
Ya tu pecho, tu pecho, rebosa
Gozo y paz y a tu pecho rebosa;
Y tu frente, tu frente radiosa
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir,
Y tu frente, tu frente radiosa
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir.

Los primeros los hijos del suelo
Que soberbio, el Pichincha decora
Te aclamaron por siempre señora
Y vertieron su sangre por ti.
Dios miró y aceptó el holocausto
Y esa sangre fue germen fecundo
De otros héroes que atónito el mundo
Vio en tu torno a millares surgir.
A millares surgir, a millares surgir.
English Lyrics of national Anthem of Ecuador:
We greet you, Oh Fatherland, a thousand times!
Oh Fatherland, Glory be to you! Glory be to you!
Your chest, your chest, overflows,
Your chest overflows with joy and peace;
And your radiant face, your radiant face
is brighter than the shining sun we see,
And your radiant face, your radiant face
is brighter than the shining sun we see.

Your children of the yoke were outraged,
For they were imposed by the audacious Iberians,
By the unjust and horrendous disgrace,
Fatally weighing upon you.
From the skies a holy voice cried out,
that noble voice of a unbreakable pledge,
to defeat that monster of blood,
that this yoke of yours would disappear.

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