National Anthem of Bulgaria – Republic of Bulgaria

Bulgaria is the country located in the Southern European continent. Bulgarian is the official language of the country. The currency of Bulgaria is Lev. Sofia is the capital city of Bulgaria. Also, it is the largest city in the country.
“Mila Rodino” is the National Anthem of Bulgaria. The term “Mila Rodino” means “Dear Motherland”. The National Anthem of Bulgaria is derived from the song "Gorda Stara Planina". This original verse of the National Anthem of Bulgaria was written by Tsvetan Radoslavov along with the music composition. This song became the representation of Serbo-Bulgarian war.
However, the lyrics of the present version of the National Anthem of Bulgaria were different from the original version. The lyrics were modified several times. It is in 1990, when the lyrics of the National Anthem of Bulgaria were changed for the last time.
There were different national anthems for the country - “Shumi Maritsa” from 1950 to 1964, “Balgariyo mila, zemya na geroi” for some time and "Republiko nasha, zdravey" for some other time.
National Flag of Bulgaria
National Flag of Bulgaria

Original Lyrics of National Anthem of Bulgaria:
Мила Родино
Горда Стара планина,
до ней Дунава синей,
слънце Тракия огрява,
над Пирина пламеней.

Припев: (2 пъти)
Mила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.

Паднаха борци безчет,
за народа наш любим,
майко, дай ни мъжка сила,
пътя им да продължим.*

Дружно, братя българи!
С нас Москва е в мир и в бой!
Партия велика води
нашия победен строй.
English translation of Original National Anthem of Bulgaria:
Proud Stara Planina
next to it the Danube sparkles,
sun Thrace,
over Pirin.

Chorus: (2 times)
Dear Motherland,
Your paradise on earth,
Your beauty, your charm,
ah, they are boundless.

Many fighters gave,
for our dear nation,
Mother, give us strength,
follow in their steps. 

All together, brothers Bulgarians!
With us, Moscow is at peace and in battle!
Great party leads
defeated our system.
Present version of National Anthem of Bulgaria in Bulgarian:
Мила Родино

Горда стара планина,
до ней север се синей
Слънце Витош позлатява
към Цариград се белей.

Мила Родино,
ти си земен рай,
твойта хубост, твойта прелест,
ах, те нямат край.

Хайде братя българи,
към Балкана да вървим.
Там се готви бой юнашки,
за свобода, правдини.

Припев: Мила...
Present version of National Anthem of Bulgaria in English:
Mila Rodino

Stately Old Mountain
to it the north sparkles
Vitosh sun gilding
Constantinople to be peeled.

Mila Rodino,
Your paradise on earth,
Your beauty, your charm,
ah, they are boundless.

Come brothers Bulgarians
the mountain to go.
There was preparing battle valiantly
Freedom, Pravdino.

Chorus: Dear ...

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